Zhe Zhang Systems Engineer and Researcher

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Notes from Hadoop Summit 2016

Having worked on Hadoop for 2 years, this is my first Hadoop Summit – will be the only one as well, because the conference will be rebranded as Dataworks Summit next year. It took place in San Jose Convention Center from Tuesday 6/28 to Thursday 6/30. This post summarizes my key takeaways.

Hadoop and Beyond

The rebranding as well as the conference agenda suggest a trend to focus more on the application layer (what can be done with Hadoop) instead of the low level technologies.

Unfortunately I couldn’t attend many of the application-focused talks (conference has 8~9 parallel sessions). I was impressed by the “Unresonable effectiveness of ACID” keynote talk from Microsoft – ACID here stands for algorithms, cloud, IoT, and data. The talk highlights the social aspect of big data with an example of preventing school dropouts through large scale data collection and machine learning. Another keynote talk by Ben Hammersley, my personal favorite from the conference, delivers a similar message in a humorous tune.


Above being said, a lot still remains to be done on Apache Hadoop, which has just turned 10 years old. From what I saw, scalability and cloud integration are the two focus areas this year.


Apache Hadoop was initially designed with a single-master architecture. Many global-scale companies are deploying clusters with 5k to 10k nodes, and scalability is becoming a severe constraint.

Multi-DC HDFS talk from Twitter:

  • Twitter’s production Hadoop environment has multiple logical clusters in each DC
  • Logical clusters are functionally-partitioned: ad hoc, stable production jobs, etc.
  • Each logical cluster has 3 nameservices: /tmp, /user, /log
  • Each DataNode belongs to all 3 nameservices
  • The replication protocol, Nfly, is only used by jobs with small data volumes. It has a /nfly/ prefix
  • Nfly could leave orphan temporary files behind. They’ll be cleaned up by retention program.

Multi-tenancy Support from HDFS talk from Hortonworks:

  • Mainly focusing on RPC scalability on NameNode
  • Interesting work on HADOOP-13128 about using “coupon”, or reservation, to achieve better SLAs.
  • Isolating applications from DataNode: HDFS-9239
  • FairCallQueue implements YARN-style fairness: HADOOP-9640
  • Community’s long term vision is to cosolidate HDFS requests under the control of YARN

Small file analysis talk from Expedia:

  • Built a tool, based on fsimage, to detect and categorize small files
  • Different approaches – compaction, deletion, archival – based on category

YARN federation talk from Microsoft:

  • MSFT has made a lot of efforts in YARN and most of them are open source
  • YARN-2915 tracks the effort
  • Target is 100k nodes
  • MSFT has several 50k-node clusters, and run many short-lived jobs (a few seconds)
  • Federation is not only for scalability, but also for cross-DC queries
  • Architecture is based on Router + StateStore
  • Every node has a AM-RM-Proxy
  • Different routing policies can be used, leading to interesting trade-offs

YARN timeline service v2 talk from Twitter:

  • TLS v1 has a single server and single LevelDB
  • TLS v2 uses HBase, has metrics aggregation, and offers richer query APIs


Although on-premise datacenters still run the lion’s share of Hadoop deployments, it is an obvious trend to move big data workloads to public or private cloud platforms. HDInsight was mentioned a lot.

HDFS tiered storage talk from Microsoft (AKA HDFS-as-a-cache):

  • Emphasizes the problem of multiple clusters (even before moving to cloud)
  • Compared to other approaches (DistCp, application-manage multi-DC access), transparency is big win
  • The community has long discussed approaches to “stage” or “page” part of the data / metadata to external store
  • The key idea here is to generalize the block concept and introduce a PROVIDED block type
  • DataNode will run daemon for the actual data transfer
  • When used together with HDInsight, computation and data “jobs” will be co-scheduled to achieve just-in-time data staging
  • Many smart algorithms can be considered for eviction and prediction-based prefetching

HDFS and object storage talk from Hortonworks:

  • Interesting summary of different usage patterns of Hadoop on cloud: 1) all I/O happens to HDFS, and HDFS stages data with blob store; 2) input data from blob store, output data written to HDFS and eventually copied to blob store; 3) both input and output I/O on blob store, HDFS only has temporary data.
  • Interesting summary of pros and cons of blob store and HDFS, including scalability, consistency, and locality
  • Connectors like s3a bridge the semantics gap between blob stores and HDFS, to some degree
  • Enhances consistency via a “secondary metadata store”
  • Hadoop compatible file system (HCFS), combined with file system contract tests, is key for extending to more cloud blob stores
  • HBase is more closely coupled with HDFS (instead of HCFS) than other applications

Operationalizing YARN in the cloud talk from Qubole: [to be added]

General Improvements

HDFS Optimization Stabilization and Supportability talk from Hortonworks has a good summary of recent detailed work on HDFS.

Over-committing YARN resources talk from Yahoo:

  • A lot of jobs are poorly configured, causing resources wastage
  • Static overcommit (configure containers to use more than OS offers) doesn’t work just like “over-selling flight tickets”
  • NodeManager reports utlization to ResourceManager via heartbeats, to facilitate dynamic overcommitting


Presto is gaining a lot of tractions, especially in global-scale Internet firms which directly use Apache Hadoop releases (instead of vendor distributions). The joint talk from Facebook and Teradata includes many exciting new features. The presenter acknowledged the performance advantage of Impala and mentioned the major win with Presto is the capability to operate on multiple data sotres, including S3.

The Hive HBase metastore talk was also interesting. It is somewhat surprising that HDFS and YARN scalability solutions are based on federation, but Hive relies on a Key-Value store.


Streaming is quickly emerging as a major topic in big data analytics. Unfortunatelly I didn’t have chance to attend many streaming talks. Will add details after watching some video recordings.

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